Genesis and the Sumerian King List

The Sumerian King List has longer lives for the kings before the deluge than the kings who lived after the Flood, which certainly ties in with Genesis. However, when I took a look at the Sumerian King List the kings before the Flood lived to be something like 28,000 years or 8 Sars as the Sumerians used to measure their time. Adam and his children lived long lives, 900 years or so, but none of his family made it to 1,000 years old, let alone 28,000 years. Do you know why the Sumerians had such long time spans for their early kings?

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Eridu and Adam and Eve

Did Eridu have its beginnings when Adam and Eve went to live there or was it already up and running?

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Sodom and Gomorrah Evidence

Is it really true that the “five cities of the plain” are mentioned on archaeologically excavated tablets from Ebla? Alan Millard Professor Emeritus of Hebrew and Ancient Semitic languages at the University of Liverpool says not?

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The Tower of Babel

What’s the significance of the Tower of Babel?

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