Why Did God Confuse The Languages?

There are over 6,000 languages in the world, Why does Genesis say, “And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech” (Gen 11:1)? And isn't that a good thing? Why did God confuse the languages?

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Was Genesis 1 written by “P” and Genesis 2 by “J”?

Question: Christian people may be convinced by saying that the storyline of Genesis chapter 2 follows chapter 1 chronologically, but what about Religious Study Courses at universities? I thought creationists used to try to say that Genesis chapter 2 was a rehash of chapter 1, the book didn’t say that but the modern point of view is that Gen 1 was written by “P” and Gen 2 by “J”, both of whom had different ideas of how God created life.

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Who Cares About Genesis Anyway?

The alphabet originated with proto-siniatic script found etched into rocks in the Sinai Peninsula and dated 1800 BC to 1400 BC. The script is considered the earliest trace of alphabetic writing. Moses was there during that time period.

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