Were the Sun and Moon Created After the Earth?

A gentleman wrote to me about Genesis saying the sun and moon were created after the earth. He finished by saying that Genesis can't be the word of God with such glaring mistakes.

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Speed of Light

Les said, "Couldn’t the speed of light have been different in the past?"

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Star Dust

"If the atoms that make up each human being came from the stars, why does Genesis say we came from the dust of the earth?"

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Did Jesus Say The World Was Only 4000 Years Old?

Brian pointed out that Jesus believed that the world was only 4000 years old because Jesus said “Therefore this generation will be held responsible for the blood of all the prophets that has been shed since the beginning of the world, from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah” (Luke 11:50-51). Jesus linked Abel’s death with the beginning of the world and Abel lived approximately 4000 years before Jesus was born.

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